Performance Scan Survey
The Performance Scan has been created to benefit any organisation that is eager to measurably improve performance.
Most organisations will want to improve performance in all areas but our F1 research highlights that a CLEAR FOCUS must be established to drive people engagement and process improvements that will deliver measurable returns. You, like most experienced business people, have had too much experience of change initiatives that fail to yield a Positive ROI primarily due to the three following reasons:
- Measurable benefits are not accurately targeted from the outset
- The valuable perspectives of your key people with regards to performance improvement are not captured and analysed effectively
- Initiatives are designed in response purely to the visible symptoms of under-performance within the organisation and fail to address the root causes
Targeting Measurable Benefits
Measurable benefits fall under three category headings:
- Increase Revenue
- Protect Revenue
- Increase Efficiency
Performance Scan invites your senior management team to objectively share their current perspective on how the business is performing in each category by responding to statements that represent 'best practice' in each of the categories.
The analysis generated highlights and prioritises current strengths and weaknesses that will assist in establishing the CLEAR FOCUS demanded if your performance is to be improved in a measurable way.

Capturing Senior Management's Perspective on Performance Improvement
High performing organisations have a strong management team that work in alignment with a Unified Leadership Voice. The Performance Scan will rapidly identify the degree of variance between the current performance perspectives of the entire leadership team.
Any existing variance generates resistance within the organisation which impairs performance so it becomes imperative to identify and prioritise the current issues that must be addressed if the entire organisation is to work in ALIGNMENT with the business leaders vision of future success.

Rich Analysis
By not only inviting participants to share their current perspective on how your organisation is currently performing, but also requesting that they each:
- Record the relevance of each performance statement to their department/function
- Share their belief in their own ability within their current role to influence performance improvements in each area
The organisation quickly establishes an insightful view as to how INTEGRATED the current management team is.
Quick & Easy to Complete
Partnering with the UK's leading survey specialists, Enhancing Surveys we have designed an elegant survey process that takes less than 30 minutes to complete. The Performance Scan is completed on-line via a dedicated link that is created for each individual participant eith all analysis being fully anonimised.
Most importantly it captures and analyses the free-expression that each participant is encouraged to provide. We look for evidence or new ideas that support each participant's perspective on how performance can be measurably improved within short time scales
Special Features
- The statements can easily be tailored to align with the specific nature of your own business environment
- The statements are equally balanced between a positive and negative orientation to eliminate default answers and improve data quality
- No middle ground is offered within the answer options, to prevent employees 'sitting on the fence'
- Free expression is encouraged against any or all of the statements and presented back to you anonymously to capture what your management team are really thinking
- Demographic data is captured to deepen the analysis, for example:
- Three levels of management
- Ten business functions
- Unlimited locations
- Length of service
- Gender
Performance Scan Process
We are offering to facilitate a Performance Scan on your behalf for your entire management team.
STEP ONE: We review the current statements in advance and tailor where necessary to meet your specific needs.
STEP TWO: We provide the individual links and tailored introduction letter to each participant.
STEP THREE: We agree a survey closure date in advance.
STEP FOUR: We schedule a Performance Scan review meeting within four weeks of commencement.
If you are interested in exploring our Pit Stop Process which includes the Performance Scan
please follow this link
To explore the value of our Root Cause Diagnostic Workshop follow this link
For details on our F1 Performance Programme please choose this link
A FREE consultation is always available, so to discuss any aspect of performance please either:
- Call us on 0845 434 9589
- Or complete the form below