The 6 Box Model - Academic Research Programme

What Underpins Great Organisational Performance?

It is simpler to define great organisational performance:

  • Strong primary purpose
  • Clear vision
  • Clarity of key goals
  • Dynamic, market led strategy
  • Customer value orientation
  • Inspirational leadership
  • Passionate employees...etc

Than it is to accurately diagnose the current performance blockages that inhibit the realisation of ultimate performance.

Academic Research Programme

This Academic Research Programme is being led by Professor of Business and Management at the University of Westminster, Vlatka Hlupic.

University of Westminster

Vlatka's work has already been published in the Harvard Business Review (Read the article here) and Organisational Dynamics and has generated a new perspective on sustaining organisational performance - the 6 Box Model

6 Box Model

In partnership with Four Groups and Winning Teams this Academic Research Programme is being more widely extended to UK organisations:

  1. Is your organisation eager to accelerate performance in a measurable and sustainable way?
  2. Are you prepared to involve a minimum of 50 employees from varying levels of the company in this research activity?
  3. Will your management team be prepared to allocate at least one hour to review the analysis and discuss their implications?
  4. Are you able to commence the research activity before May 2011?

Each participating organisation will be invited to provide their responses on-line (taking 15 minutes to complete) to the research statements that support the 6 Box Model.

6 Box Model Categories

The 6 Box Model explores the relationships that currently exist between each of the categories listed above, and in so doing diagnoses the barriers to ultimate performance.

6 Box Model Analysis

Why Participate?

If selected to participate you will benefit from:

  1. Unique insights into the key drivers of your business performance
  2. A deeper understanding of the barriers and bottlenecks that currently limit performance improvement
  3. Awareness of the dynamic relationships that exist between each category
  4. Interpretation of your organisation's results
  5. Facilitated management workshop to explore the opportunities for accelerated performance
  6. Comparative summary data from our research base
  7. A significant competitive edge

All available at no cost to you if you participate in the study before May 2011.

This is a unique opportunity that we hope you will volunteer to participate in.

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Academic Research Registration

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